Blending the work of Charles and Ray Eames, this collaboration between Globe and the Eames Office unites furniture design and skateboarding. Every component pays homage to their iconic Lounge Chair and its unparalleled design legacy. Meticulously crafted from furniture-grade materials and with exceptional details, these limited-edition boards honor the Eames’ pioneering spirit and encapsulate the harmonious synergy of one of the most iconic furniture designs of the 20th Century.
Browse the complete Eames collection.
- 37.5” x 10” x 28.25”WB
- Black Oak + Canadian Maple | Slightly dropped platform with slight W concave
- 180mm Slant reverse kingpin trucks | 70mm 83a Conical cruiser wheels
- Clear broadcast griptape
- Embedded metal Eames Office + Globe badges
- Eames logo custom deck bolts
- Design details throughout matching the Lounge chair
- Board comes in an Eames printed bag
- Authentic product of Eames Office + Globe